12-08-2019, 07:24 AM
All you need to know about Death, After-life and the Great Beyond
इस जीवन और अनंत काल में शांति और सफलता! :)
Peace and success in life and eternity! :)
1 hour on-demand video
0.0 (0 ratings)
3 students enrolled
Created by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
Published in Dic 2019
CC English [Auto-generated]
Another course by this teacher shared by feefiefohfum bro:
Youtube channel and web with the charity/foundation of this teacher:
* angelcrc7: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is an excellent spiritual teacher in his culture; and although we don't agree with everything he teaches as all the truth, he is near the truth (as some of us are too), and it is very useful that righteous teachers like him: teach about these spiritual topics with spiritual, logic, medical and natural evidence of the reality of spiritual life after death! And the work of charity or social help that his foundation does is very valuable and appreciated; greetings and respects to him and his culture!
इस जीवन और अनंत काल में शांति और सफलता! :)
Peace and success in life and eternity! :)
1 hour on-demand video
0.0 (0 ratings)
3 students enrolled
Created by Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
Published in Dic 2019
CC English [Auto-generated]
Another course by this teacher shared by feefiefohfum bro:
Youtube channel and web with the charity/foundation of this teacher:
* angelcrc7: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is an excellent spiritual teacher in his culture; and although we don't agree with everything he teaches as all the truth, he is near the truth (as some of us are too), and it is very useful that righteous teachers like him: teach about these spiritual topics with spiritual, logic, medical and natural evidence of the reality of spiritual life after death! And the work of charity or social help that his foundation does is very valuable and appreciated; greetings and respects to him and his culture!