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Full Version: Need Youtube Experts - Use my method for Viral Traffic
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im interetsed to work with

i easily do videos or edit them by camtasia

and im available to work 12 to 14 hours a day

plz message me your skype or disocrd to discuss more
(12-05-2019 08:24 AM)hassano10 Wrote: [ -> ]im interetsed to work with

i easily do videos or edit them by camtasia

and im available to work 12 to 14 hours a day

plz message me your skype or disocrd to discuss more

I have sent pm to all
PM me with details, I don't know what is this but I can make high quality animation video
(12-05-2019 11:42 PM)divingdiver Wrote: [ -> ]PM me with details, I don't know what is this but I can make high quality animation video

I have sent you a PM
Very interested to hear what this would entail, have a lot of experience making videos, so I might be a good fit.
I am interested Send me details
Experienced in whiteboard as well other videos. Using camtasia right now. Interested to get more info. Thanks
(12-08-2019 05:17 AM)freewill Wrote: [ -> ]Experienced in whiteboard as well other videos. Using camtasia right now. Interested to get more info. Thanks

PM has been sent to all
Interested in JV, i have video production softwares, animated, photo, text to speech and Adobe Creative Cloud..and several youtube accounts
hi xpesos, I'm interested, I've been working with videos for youtube. I would like to know how should I proceed. thanks!
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