12-01-2019, 04:34 AM
12-01-2019, 05:19 AM
Many thanks for sharing again your course, dear author Kasimov bro! Nevertheless please remember to reply your original threads, you shared this course yesterday, here:
If you want to learn how to search, you could search easily with the URL of your course, for example search using this string: "ebaydropshipcourse" and select: "Show Results as POSTS" (in Display Options), here:
And then write a Reply in a thread already created by you (the author) or by another member; the Oldest thread is the Original thread, this is an important and useful rule of our community! In this way the original thread of your course will become more popular, if we will not create duplicated threads! ;)
Thanks again, anyway! Peace and success, authors and bros!
If you want to learn how to search, you could search easily with the URL of your course, for example search using this string: "ebaydropshipcourse" and select: "Show Results as POSTS" (in Display Options), here:
And then write a Reply in a thread already created by you (the author) or by another member; the Oldest thread is the Original thread, this is an important and useful rule of our community! In this way the original thread of your course will become more popular, if we will not create duplicated threads! ;)
Thanks again, anyway! Peace and success, authors and bros!