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Full Version: Do nofollow links help in ranking a site?
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We all know that dofollow links certainly help, but do nofollow links rank a website? Im also not talking about getting extra traffic because you have more links outthere, All Im talking about is whether it will improve the position in google.
Yes, they can help.
I would think that a website linked to by nothing but do follow would look extremely suspicious.
The vast majority of real blogs are no-follow, thus real links from blogs would also be no-follow.
Dofollow is still ranking but not gg
Yes they can help - an advise just dont care for dofollow or nofollow a link is a link. Why?

Because the nofollow links still can get you traffic(traffic is good for ranking sites) and traffic mostly is money. Second its kinda obvious for google if you only got dofollow links so you need to diversify you link profile with a good mix of no- and dofollow. So take every good link you can get and dont care too much about nofollow.
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