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Full Version: Easy pdf formula
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Anyone have this course, please share.
Would like to see this shared, anyone?
Yes please Rhqman

(11-14-2019 06:33 AM)rhqman Wrote: [ -> ]Would like to see this shared, anyone?
(11-14-2019 07:37 AM)manythanks Wrote: [ -> ]Yes please Rhqman

(11-14-2019 06:33 AM)rhqman Wrote: [ -> ]Would like to see this shared, anyone?

Manythanks, I think I have worded this badly, was trying to say I'd like to see someone share it and asking if "anyone" will share it.

I need to work on my English!

Sorry for the misundestanding.
Oh okay. No worries Rhqman. Bump if anyone can share

(11-14-2019 08:34 AM)rhqman Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-14-2019 07:37 AM)manythanks Wrote: [ -> ]Yes please Rhqman

(11-14-2019 06:33 AM)rhqman Wrote: [ -> ]Would like to see this shared, anyone?

Manythanks, I think I have worded this badly, was trying to say I'd like to see someone share it and asking if "anyone" will share it.

I need to work on my English!

Sorry for the misundestanding.
This does look interesting, bump!
bumping this too
I saw this, too, and thought I could find it.

I couldn't. Sad

It's on the JVZoo and Muncheye vendor platforms but, alas, nothing on the site, itself.

Being that the sales copy mentions "7 to 15 page PDF creation," I couldn't help but wonder how much this is like Jimmy D. Brown's Small Reports Fortune (which had resell rights). This author also has at least one Udemy course on this subject.

So, bump-bump ... fist-bump ... if someone can share it with us!

for reading!
Ok, I bought it this morning (the FE) and downloaded the video's and PDF's. There were 2 OTO's at $27 and $47 but I didn't buy them.

Happy to give back

Thanks for the share

+5 reps

Here's a mirror...

Pages: 1 2 3 4
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