So I put it out there that bundles should have the tag [B].
It's short, simple and beautiful. (I even wanted to try to change the others to [F] and [G])
Unfortunately angelcrc7 informed me that [B] is too short for search and put up some suggestions. I never even thought of searching by tag.
So these I think are the ideas so far:
What do people think of each? Any more suggestions?
Thanks for considering the options! I copy here again my suggestions about the Bundle tags:
The [B] tag for Bundles is a very good idea (not a flaw). I still support [B] tag, unless we decide to change it to [BNDL] or [PACK] or [LIST]
At this time and from the very beginning, I still support and respect the use of tag [B] for Bundles, suggested by 饿死我了 bro!
Nevertheless, maybe we need a 4 characters name for the Bundle's tag; because of a search limitation that clearly says:
"The minimum search term length is 4 characters"
If we have a tag of 4 characters name for Bundles, then we could search ALL the bundles at once; in the same way as we can do it now searching for all "F4LT" or "FFLT" courses.
But you are totally right: "Bundle" or "Bundles" as tags are very long!
An angel suggests these 2 options as an alternative tag for Bundles:
The only alternative with the bundle concept could be the standard abbreviation for Bundle:
References to this abbreviation:
And I also suggest another tag for Bundles, using an even more simple concept:
[PACK] or [LIST]
I think this could be a better and great alternative tag for bundles!
But again, at this moment, I still support and respect the [B] tag, unless we decide to make a change!