10-24-2019, 10:30 AM
For special tools, copy the following scripts into the URL part of a bookmark.
Click the bookmark to activate them.
When pasting, make sure the "java-script:" doesn't disappear from the beginning. Also remove the "-" from the middle of "java-script".
Open the newest udemy link on the page in a new tab.
Open all udemy links a in spoiler tags in new tabs with 1 click. (This could end up being a lot)
Note: You may need to allow this in some browsers, after clicking "Open All", check to the very right of the address bar for a multi tab security button, click it and choose how you want it to work.
Open all courses listed on a Udemy instructor page (as currently shown on page) with coupon you enter.
Note: You may need to allow this in some browsers, after clicking "Open All", check to the very right of the address bar for a multi tab security button, click it and choose how you want it to work.
Click the bookmark to activate them.
When pasting, make sure the "java-script:" doesn't disappear from the beginning. Also remove the "-" from the middle of "java-script".
Open the newest udemy link on the page in a new tab.
Magic Button :
java-script:re=/(https:\/\/www.udemy.com\/[^\r\n]*)/g;while ((m=re.exec(document.body.innerText))!==null){m2=m};window.location=(m2[0]);
Open all udemy links a in spoiler tags in new tabs with 1 click. (This could end up being a lot)
Magic Button :
java-script:themadness=function(){this.parentElement.nextElementSibling.firstElementChild.innerText.match(/(https:\/\/www.udemy.com\/[^\r\n]*)/g).each(function(url){window.open(url,'_blank');})};jQuery('[value="Show"]').each(function() {x=this;this.parentElement.append(b=document.createElement('button'));b.style.cssText=this.style.cssText;b.innerText="Open All";jQuery(b).click(themadness);});
Open all courses listed on a Udemy instructor page (as currently shown on page) with coupon you enter.
Magic Button :
java-script:c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(p=a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n");window.open(p)});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);void 0;