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Full Version: [GET] Devora Zack - Singletasking (ePub, MOBI, and PDF)
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Pages: 1 2 3 4
Thanks for the generous share

Would like the PW

Please share the password.

Rep added..

I found this pdf copy on my own.
(10-24-2019 11:26 AM)incognito76328 Wrote: [ -> ]I found this pdf copy on my own.

PMs sent. In lieu of people trying to disrupt the integrity (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) of this share, I will respectfully ask the mods to close this thread. Anyway, mine is in ALL THREE formats.
please share the password.

reps added
No offense intended. I just wanted to offer an option.
(10-24-2019 05:08 PM)incognito76328 Wrote: [ -> ]No offense intended. I just wanted to offer an option.

Right...and you had to offer YOUR option on MY thread. I'm not offended because it's not a matter of offense; I'm merely irritated that there are people on this forum that enjoy undermining the efforts of others who share stuff which they purchased themselves. I can now see why some members choose to share ONLY in VIP. An insightful litmus test, though.

Anyway, I'm not a small kid. Conversation is over; I do not wish to talk to inconsiderate punks. :(

You have earned a spot on my ignore list. Congratulations!

On a more important note, I will share everything I have freely from now on because some Tom, Rick (D**k is a bad word, even though it's a person's name LOL) or Harry will somehow always find a way to piss the OP off for no bloody good reason! I'm not a fan of exclusivity - it's just that there are many bad apples on this forum and one can never err on the side of caution.

But alas, I am fair and also understand that it's not MINE to begin with. I am certain I will never be sharing an excerpt of a book I just wrote on this forum, for in ten minutes everyone will have their hands on the full copy. *slaps forehead*

Look out for more helpful books and tutorials, guys. More on the way! Happydance
Thank you for the excellent share, teratron
(10-24-2019 10:11 PM)banjo Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you for the excellent share, teratron

Welcome, buddy! Check your PM. Sent something great your way.
Awesome share.
Please share password.
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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