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Full Version: Watch Me Ranking In Google Top 10 in only 90 Seconds
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Yes i did it, I was ranked in google top 10 in only 90 seconds for not so realy competitive keyword..

Watch Below:

I was ranked for get captcha sniper v1.5( a keyword used to search for captcha sniper 1.5 cracked) In only 90 seconds..

I know it's not that much exciting to rank for such very less competitive keyword but look that as soon as i clicked publish i was ranked in top 10..

It takes about 1 days to get any new post to get indexed ...

Sorry for my bad English..

Hope you all like this..

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More than 1k views but no reply..
I'll leave a review.
it would have been better if you where to explain what you did,
like Seo, descriptions, making the video,
as far as I can see you made a video, got a url shortner, added your keywords to your page and saturated the page with the key word.uploded the video.
something like that.
try a different industry, like pluming, or roofers, then remake a video step by step without the music, wheather english is bad or not.
Does it require some kind of bot or software?
Let me explain i have my rss feed in ..

i created a video and that video links to my page and that's it..

and my blog is about 6 months old..

I doesn't require any kind of bot or software.....

I am also amazed by the speed with which my new post get indexed just publish and i was in...
wow thats great ... Please teach us this kind of tricks :D
when you say you have your rss feed in what you have in that rss, your website internal pages or your backlinks
rofl,you did not rank anything in 90 seconds,you were logged in on youtube and blogger (both google products) and google itself.if you want to check your real rank,log out of google clear your cookies get a proxy,you will be nowhere
justin bieber.. zzzz
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