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Full Version: [GET] Pick-Up Artist Method - SEDUCTION, DAYGAME and HOW TO TALK TO GIRLS
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[Image: 412e-Aa-ip-CL.jpg]

Throughout this publication you will discover many new non-mainstream dating advice ideas and concepts. It is hoped that you will always use your own judgement and assess situations appropriately. Sexual harassment, sexual assault or rape is never acceptable in any form and when no means no, it really does mean no. Never force yourself on any woman. As aspiring pick-up and seduction artists we must be better than that. Always make sure you love the pursuit of women, enjoy the challenge and always leave a woman better than when you found her.

Thanx for the share.
Thanks for the share, the woman on the cover looks a lot like my future wife.:)
Reup please, thanks for the share!
The solidfiles link is still working. I just downloaded this.
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