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Hoping there's lots of goodies behind the VIP wall :)

What's with this forum exactly? Are there restrictions on where I can post until I build a postcount or something? I've tried replying to a couple threads, my posts don't go up. I tried creating a new thread in the Lounge, post wouldn't go up. I paid a donation for VIP last night (the full $100 too having overlooked the fact that I could have only paid $50), it hasn't been credited to my account. Things just don't seem tobe working, and I don't see any notification of postcount limits or why my account seems to be stunted. What's the deal exactly?
It seems to be OK now. Are you still having problems.
Still having some trouble getting threads and posts to work. Seems like I got a 50/50 chance of whatever I type actually posting. Wrote a couple longer posts now that just refused to post. It' s a little irritating. Feel like I'm posting to CL here...
Which forum were you posting in that your thread was rejected?
Did you remember which thread didn't take your post?
Only thing I remember for sure Is I was having trouble posting to the lounge. Couldn't make a new thread, and couldn't reply to some threads in the Lounge either. Haven't had an issue on the Intro forum yet though.
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