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Full Version: [Get] What Plagiarism Is And How To Avoid It
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About this Book
A high school student loses her admission to Harvard. A politician is disgraced. A historian
is discredited. For all these people, the offense was plagiarism—taking someone else’s
words and presenting them as your own. While plagiarism has been a problem since the
invention of the printing press, today the Internet has made copying and cheating just a click
Where is the link??
Can we ( get )it?
thank you.
Quote:Can we ( get )it?
thank you.

I apologize, folks. Here you go:
"Gurus" like Jay Shetty still get away with plagiarism.
He copied over 100 quotes and entire paragraphs from books almost word-for-word, but he still thrives.
Despite the mildly viral expose...
he actually gained even more followers.

Plagiarism pays if done with skill, I guess.

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