09-27-2019, 01:07 PM
Hi I'm randohm. Pleased to meet you. I like fried chicken. I also like other food that tastes good. I don't like food that tastes bad but bad is subjective in most cases but that has nothing to do with crocodiles and alligators at the zoo or anyplace else for that matter. Not all crocodiles and alligators live at the zoo because the zoo charges to much for rent. That's why we need rent subsidies or we could just have price ceilings on the amount zoos charge their animals. Rhinoceroses charge the most but that's different like most things. We shouldn't have a one size fits all mentality because things are not the same and people are different and love is love but not everything people say is really love and kids are too young to even know what love is so they all need to grow up. Some adults need to grow up too. Anyway I love you all and I think you're cool so stay warm when it's cold and cool when it's hot and have fun.