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Full Version: [REQ] Softbank Money
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This was posted here before but now.......I couldn't find it. Here is the SP:

And here is a discount link:

If someone here has it, share it. Remember sharing is caring!
bumb it............
I'm curious what this is all actually about. Anybody have any insight into the basic premise behind this product? Based on the "soft" in the name, I am assuming this is selling software products (but of course that might be completely off). I don't have any guesses about "unheard of" traffic sources...
bum bum bum
I THINK the following network he uses and traffic sources is google ppc
I'll pass on this, thanks anyway.
Mr.Right is famous in selling smoke, and he knows how to sell very well, I bought him "great products" that did not contain great information, nothing new
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