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Full Version: [Get] Visual Marketing Secrets: How to Use Smartphone Photography to Engage Online and Attract More Customers
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Everyone with a smartphone is familiar with the term "selfie," but most people never thought of using their smartphone as a powerful visual marketing tool.

With this simple step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to captivate your audience with smartphone photography and never miss an opportunity to market your business online again.

This book takes a holistic approach to visual marketing, from photography, social media, SEO, and the apps and accessories to enhance your smartphone's capabilities.

With this guide, you will learn how to take better photos, what to take photos of, how to take them, how to enhance them, share them and save them for SEO.

Vickie Siculiano and a team of experts on photography, video, social media and small business marketing will teach you how to really capture the attention of your online audience with your smartphone, leading to more customers and engagement.
This book is a great example of good marketing. If someone recognizes the appeal of visual marketing, would they consider buying services from the author?

The author establishes expert status while presenting herself as the go-to person for visual marketing.

What amazing execution!
Great share looks good
Excellent share Super Eagle, thank you.
Great share, thanks, repped.
Thanks +Reps Added
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