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Full Version: See New Threads always only appear GB GB GB Post To Unlock
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I think it seems the forum should change to See New Threads always only appear GB Post To Unlock

Post To Unlock Post To Unlock Post To Unlock Post To Unlock Post To Unlock Post To Unlock Post To Unlock

Is anyone upset with all this ?

Sorry for all the GB lovers
yes it sucks.

Instead of a review or some comments of a gb you need to check 40+ pages to maybe have a glimpse of a review.
Or...just ignore the doggone things altogether !!
I think just forum admins or owners like it... not user...
(06-12-2020 11:37 AM)asphyxia Wrote: [ -> ]yes it sucks.

Instead of a review or some comments of a gb you need to check 40+ pages to maybe have a glimpse of a review.

Agreed. It stifles any meaningful discussion about the products and moves everything to PM's.
I hope admin/mods do something about this soon... I love GBs but that "post to unlock" is very silly.
i just saw another request post was locked after someone posted GB link. And there's one guy who's a serial GB organizer, many people keep creating complain threads and he keeps pumping up new GB threads.

Jesus, does admin and mods really need so much GB incomes?

Even for less than $50 products, there are GBs.
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