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Email Checker Pro
Verify Email Addresses Are Really Existing in Batch Mode
+ Check Validity and Existence Both without Sending
+ Work in Batch Mode
+ Import/Export Email Addresses (csv, txt, xls(x) with Multi-sheet)
+ Fast Checking (hundreds/min), the More the Faster due to Multi-threaded
+ Real-time Statistics (Counts and 3D Pie Chart) During Checking
+ Advanced Excel Import/Export Algorithm Makes Efficient Behavior
+ Tell You The [Result], [Description] (Reason of Result), [Suggestion], [Interaction]
(Between Email Checker Pro and Destination Email Server) After Checked
+ Customizable Unsupported Email Servers, Check Rules and Export Rules

[Image: aio.png]


Thanks and max reps given for your generosity
DL link not working

Max reps added
Thank you, REPs added.
Once in a while, you share something and it's always an epic one. Thanks and max reps.
Thanks and Max Reps!
Thank you, REPs added to a true warrior!
Unfortunately it is trail version and can check only 20 emails at a time.
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