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Linux - Easy Guide for Beginners to Learn the Linux Operating System and Linux Command Line. 99 tips and tricks included (2019 - NEW!)

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If for some reason you’re scared of ditching Windows OS for Linux then this is for you. We all know the misconception most people have about Linux OS. To some a complicated interface with lots of command lines while others like to assume Linux is reserved for experts especially programmers.
Far from it! Linux has been rebranded and this has seen simpler and better versions surface the internet. You can perform whatever you want on Linux without experiencing any hitch. Whether you’re just getting started or a programmer, this guide takes your fear away.
Chapter by chapter all is simplified to ensure you get hold of the idea and start operating a Linux system like a pro. We will show you what you’ve been missing and why not Windows but Linux is the best OS.
Whether you’re a novice or a programmer, Tighten your seat belt as we show you how to execute a whole lot of tasks and functions on Linux.
Here’s what this guide have in store for you:

How To Install Linux
Why you shouldn’t Use both Linux and Windows at the same time
Tips to choose the best Linux distros
Linux file system
Permission and file naming rule
Linux Vs other operating system
99 Linux Tips and Tricks

This Linux guide provides an organise learning platform to help you easily understand the technical part of the project. It’s packed with lots of commands which help you execute file in the twinkle of an eye.
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