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All you need for a smooth transition to the gluten-free lifestyle!

Contrary to popular belief, living gluten-free doesn't just mean eating gluten-free! With 1 in 20 people suffering from some degree of gluten intolerance and countless others interested in the health benefits of removing gluten from your diet, it's no wonder that the gluten-free lifestyle is on the rise. The Everything Guide to Living Gluten-Free is the perfect introduction to this lifestyle change.

Inside, you'll find guidance on making a stress-free switch to a gluten-free life, with valuable information on:

Setting up a pantry to avoid cross-contamination.
Finding gluten-free options when traveling.
Selecting gluten-free health and personal care products.
Enjoying restaurant dinners and parties.
Helping children acclimate to the gluten-free lifestyle.

Plus, you'll find 100 recipes for superb gluten-free dishes, like Cornmeal-Crusted Chicken, Focaccia Bread, and Chocolate Raspberry Cupcakes with Fluffy Raspberry Frosting. Even including information for gluten-free vegans and vegetarians, this all-in-one guide is your indispensable resource for losing gluten for good!

The wife is on a gluten free diet, thanks for sharing, reps added.
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