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Full Version: [GET] A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth about Alien Contact (audio)
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Thanks for this offer Scanvenger !!


Jim Marrs is a great presenter and author - that his name is on the front cover of this is high praise to start with, and at the SP he is quoted thusly=>

"You may not have ever considered what life will be like after the reality of UFOs becomes publicly known. But Richard M. Dolan and Bryce Zabel have. Their book is absorbing and thought provoking. Don't miss it."
--Jim Marrs, New York Times Best Selling Author of Crossfire

(SP: )

Sadly, at this time of my life I do not have enough of my days left over to read a 320 page expose', and certainly I do not need any further convincing that there is much that 'we the people' are simply not allowed to know about !!
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