Hello Digimike.
I am fine with apologizing and in this situation - given how many posts I've noticed that have been made by you lately, inexperience simply did not even occur to me, and I am sorry to have offended you.
Zippy is no problem
to me in terms of access, though it is not the best sharing platform and many folks cannot even get to it anymore as has been posted all over this forum lately.
It does try to mislead users to accept an EXE file 1 or 2 times per DL now, and has obnoxious pop-ups and such - but knowing to refuse the excess crud is just part of what we always have to look out for in using the filesharing sites.
As to making comments in public, this IS an open forum which (sadly) has seen quite a batch of sleezy characters recently who HAVE been up to no good - and just as sadly, some of those sleezeballs have used the technique of making PDFs of links for the unwary to open - and most of those characters do hope that the victims will not check the links first...
Those in charge here have been making announcements, warnings and banning the sleezeballs very effectively though - thank goodness !!
I did check ALL your links after getting the PDF - and even tried doing a conversion to HTML just to see if it might catch and fix the malformed ones, but it didn't.
As to the links themselves and where they pointed - some of the sites were outright bogus and others were inactive and some even were made to collect email addresses for their list efforts - of the lot I did not see even a single link/site that I would bother to re-visit, and some of the malformed ones were easily recognizable - thus easily skipped as already known.
I neither said nor inferred that you had included anything bad or sneaky; my entire intention was aimed at the simple fact that having to download a 1/2 page PDF to finally get 18 links is a very poor way of doing things IMO - not a very open method of sharing such info and it does not allow the members to choose what to do UNTIL they get the DL.
I have also posted many, many links here for folks to use as they seefit, but openly, as you may see if you choose to have a look here:
(My bad for not updating it lately though, as real life demands have been a higher priority for me recently.)
Better sites to use for sharing downloads:
multifilemirror.com is a favourite of mine because it is a multi one that includes some good ones (too many DO just suck...);
mir.cr is pretty good too;
mirrored.to, and=>
My best personal choices for this are mediafire and solidfiles...
As to 'tone' - there ain't any such a thing in simple black and white EXCEPT when it is intentional offense - which was not my intention and I am sorry that you took my reply in that manner.
I'm a retirement aged person myself - a semi-retired IT consultant and have been a forum user in general since before internet forums came around.
Looks like I was incorrect in my reply to give you more credit for knowing what you're doing here, and I now stand corrected.
In general I have no desire to waste my time or energy upon deliberate offense aimed at anyone here or elsewhere - additionally:
As with any responsible forum user I do report threads to the mods which are clearly and intentionally bad, prohibited, sharing malware, etc. and I suggest that all members should be VERY wary of such things.
There was a rash here recently of threads made to promote malware laden 'nulled' trash for a time by the same user (according to the mods) who kept sneakily re-joing with different usernames after being banned again and again.
All that trash was copied directly from the code...x...in...h site (banned site name here).
There are others who try to sneak in affiliate links and other self-promoting stuff now and then in sections that do not allow it.
In conclusion:
I do not intend to point you out as one of those deliberately bad folks and I
-do- think that the most important thing to learn at this forum is to use GREAT CARE in what one gets from here !!
Hopefully this is enough info and effort to soothe your hurt feelings a bit now.
Well Wishes to You Digimike, and Peace out.