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Sell The Meeting: Set Discovery Calls and Sales Appointments To Close New Accounts: A Lead Generation Process With Phone Script Samples For B2B Appointment Setting and Cold Calling

Scott Channell

Download Here From Mirror:

Magic Button :
Use Legacy WinZip or 7zip to extract.

Magic Button :
Same as it always is, and if you don't know it, then you don't belong here.
Only If You Have a Request:
Magic Button :
I can rip any Kindle Book in the Kindle Store designated as "kindle unlimited".
[Image: AOA4kqA.png]
My only caveat to that offer is, the book would have to benefit other BBHF members, so please don't ask for novels or other fictional publications.
If you agree, then >>>>>
Send Me a PM
Yeah, no more forced posts! Good job!!!

This is the author's website. It has many interesting content and some free downloads too.
(08-24-2019 06:03 PM)Vanilla Bean Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, no more forced posts! Good job!!!

This is the author's website. It has many interesting content and some free downloads too.

@Vanilla Bean
I am very aware at how annoying a locked link on a post is.
I have run this experiment and reached a pretty solid conclusion.
There are far more takers than givers on this website.

Well duh! Right? This is a blackhat forum after all. I wasn't expecting any paradigm shift of reality break, I just wanted to see the authentic players over the grubby "leechers" up close. Why anyone far enough into IM to find a blackhat forum like ours can't even put up $50 for VIP membership is beyond my comprehension. In fact, I made my first ever 4 figure payday from a technique I downloaded off this website, but I digress...

In the week of posting ebook shares that were staying at the top of their sections, which proved a winning strategy, the delta of posts to downloads stayed pretty consistent.
Now, having only two non-locked shared ebook posts, I can plainly see the disparity.

The demand for the downloads are still there, this mirror's numbers are on par, but not many BBHFers are considerate enough to circle back and post a comment.

I won't even go into the ridiculous amount of PMs I received just pasting an ebook title in the message body without even a whisper of a please or thank you like I was just some kind of servant at the counter taking orders from the back of the room... I would either chalk that up to cultural differences or just plain ignorance.

I would like to acknowledge you though. Your comment here and on my other non-locked share are value-added, so thank you very much for being a valuable member of our community.

I noticed the quote in your signature.

“If you're not pissing someone off, you probably aren't doing anything important.”
-Oliver Emberton

What does this mean to you?

I feel it means something such as this:

The dominant phones in the market have a keypad/keyboard and a small display and then someone comes along and introduces a phone replacing the keypad/keyboard with a large touch screen. Will anyone feel pissed off?

There are others like this too, such as:
The United States

In fact, many successful businesses, countries and people did something similar to Apple, they innovated.

If my idea has merit then I guess what Emberton is suggesting is that innovation will naturally lead to pissed off people!!
@Vanilla Bean
You, my friend...
[Image: txMTZ4U.png]

p.s. According to, this share has 18 downloads in less than 24 hours...

[Image: lkzwLFX.png]
Thanks for the share, much appreciated! Reps added!
Thank you, looks great!
nice share. will check it out
thanks bro

Should i take your comments and experiment to mean what it implies:
you would value a post in your thread over reputations

Do keep in mind, most here have been conditioned to add Reps and most have displayed a value for them that exceeds that of comments.

This thought pattern may skew your findings through your experiment.
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