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Full Version: [GET] Free $15 Flippa Credits
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Hello !

I know this is wrong section. But, BBHF is not letting me to post on Coupons section.

I just applied this code on my Fresh Flippa account and It worked.

Coupon Code : FREEAUG2019

[Image: pvjrl0G.png]

Make a dummy listing and apply this code on Checkout page and then exit.

Happydance Happydance Thanks Thanks
how did you apply? there is no option to redeem code
you create your listing first,on checkout you redeem your code,hurry till august
(08-17-2019 11:26 PM)Ms-Keys Wrote: [ -> ]how did you apply? there is no option to redeem code
(08-17-2019 07:04 PM)sulokutty Wrote: [ -> ]Coupon Code : FREEAUG2019

Thank you very much.
I used it to list a domain name and the code worked perfectly, so my listing doesn't cost me a cent.
$15 saved!

Is it still working?
It worked just now one time...Great!!!
Thanks and repped
thanks it does works reps added

that credit can be used in buying? or just applied to list?
Can you guys update with the new one... I have a feeling New Years or XMAS will bring a new one ;-)
I guess, not working anymore. As it's for August.
Any new coupons?
Any new coupons? Got a site I'd sell there. Coupons are hard to find though.
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