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[Image: 519H7gUh-mL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

Wisdom to Create a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Peace

This inspiring tale provides a step-by-step approach to living with greater courage, balance, abundance, and joy. A wonderfully crafted fable, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari tells the extraordinary story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer forced to confront the spiritual crisis of his out-of-balance life. On a life-changing odyssey to an ancient culture, he discovers powerful, wise, and practical lessons that teach us to:

Develop Joyful Thoughts,

Follow Our Life's Mission and Calling,

Cultivate Self-Discipline and Act Courageously,

Value Time as Our Most Important Commodity,

Nourish Our Relationships, and

Live Fully, One Day at a Time.

Thanks for sharing this classic, reps given.
Hello, kindly re up @stillstanding
(04-24-2020 03:27 PM)blackm33zy Wrote: [ -> ]Hello, kindly re up @stillstanding

here you go

Thanks for the re-up stillstanding

re-up request

Thanks for re-up. Reputation given too.

Thanks Nice Thread Happydance
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