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Full Version: [REQ] EPIC CASH – You’ve Got Money! $500 Daily With Private Method in 2019
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Anybody have this?

I would give the sales page but it defaults to "reported by members as spam" since it's on that Buy Sell Methods site. Supposedly it's good for $500 per day.

Looks the usual BSM BS to me, Nancy.

We see it all the time from there.
High earnings straight out of the traps with everyone tripping over themselves to
vouch for the method and share their earnings screenshots.

The thing is; when someone gets a method that works on this forum, it's really hard
to get any feedback on it, as they are too busy making hay while the sun shines to
bother sharing their experiences, let alone their earnings - and that's the BBHF family.

Yet, there we see loads of instantly successful buyers coming back to answer questions
on that well known scam site.

I'd love to be proved wrong but I don't think there's a genuine working method, or member over there tbh.

found this ...Is it related?

Let me Know if this is related
(08-24-2019 11:47 AM)dynasty5 Wrote: [ -> ]found this ...Is it related?

Let me Know if this is related

Hi Dynasty5,

We found the exact same pdf earlier by Googling "epic cash" pdf.

Great minds think alike :)

Your pdf relates to crypto mining, blockchain and Bitcoin.

On his sales page, he states " Epic Cash is not related to CPA, Bitcoin, Facebook, etc."

But who knows?

You maybe correct!
it looks great ....
bump for this
Whats the cost for this anyway...
I messaged the product creator for more info.

He told me it's about a "specific type of online selling" that's more "related" (his word) to services than a product.

Said he's currently doing $6k/month with it and he could (would) set everything up for you. Apparently, there's also a Teamviewer option.

Payments are instant and "don't need any specific skill".

Problem with this is that it's in that pricing purgatory - enough that I don't know if I wanna drop that kinda $$$ in case it's junk but so little that you'd half to raise 3x the $$$ in total to do a GB once you pay the GB fee.
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