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Full Version: [CHALLENGE] Make Your First $1 Online - With Your 1st Paid Traffic Campaign” For Just $1
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Thanks for your share. Reps added.
This 50-page beginner's tutorial is everything you need to launch your very first affiliate campaign and seeing your first revenue.

Requires NO experience
You need only $10 to buy traffic and a few hours of your time
Step-by-step with screenshots
Make your 1st conversion and optimize your 1st campaign
Thanks, bravo75. I'll have a proper read over this later.
Reps added.

Thank you for sharing. Repped.
popcash? it just doesnt work , if someone want to burn $10 for nothing to try it , their traffic not convert with cpa
(08-15-2019 08:04 AM)katara Wrote: [ -> ]popcash? it just doesnt work , if someone want to burn $10 for nothing to try it , their traffic not convert with cpa

The course isn't about CPA offers.
(08-15-2019 08:17 AM)bravo75 Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-15-2019 08:04 AM)katara Wrote: [ -> ]popcash? it just doesnt work , if someone want to burn $10 for nothing to try it , their traffic not convert with cpa

The course isn't about CPA offers.

isnt it? i see there explaining how to promote cpa ofer in mobile at popcash , or need to read again?
This is more geared towards newbies. It's a great place to get your feet wet with buying traffic, setting up tracker, postbacks, analyzing, optimizing, cutting unprofitable placements etc. without spending a fortune and getting conversions. The profit margins are low, but the principles are the same. You get real hands on experience. You can apply this knowledge to push, native etc. I went through the guide, and I see more value here than most courses on pop, push and native that cost you an arm and a leg.

(08-15-2019 08:18 AM)katara Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-15-2019 08:17 AM)bravo75 Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-15-2019 08:04 AM)katara Wrote: [ -> ]popcash? it just doesnt work , if someone want to burn $10 for nothing to try it , their traffic not convert with cpa

The course isn't about CPA offers.

isnt it? i see there explaining how to promote cpa ofer in mobile at popcash , or need to read again?

In a nutshell, it's promoting Smartlinks with the Mobipium network.


In casy any of you decide to implement the stuff in this guide, you must read this:

Excuse the clickbaity headline - I’m not emailing to bash Mobipium. They’ve been just great!

I have something you NEED to know about running their push smartlink, so had to get your attention somehow. :)

I got news from Mobipium - here are some updates you need to know about.

Before reading this email, please read the other email from me where I talk about "Lead Quality" - you should have received that email at the same time you received this one.

Basically, due to low quality, Mobipium wants us to avoid running in certain geos.

They have also provided a list of geos we should run, where quality is less of a problem.

Below is what you need to do.


Please follow the guide, but make the following change.

In the guide, section "STEP 2: GRAB THE OFFER URL", where it says "3. Look for ‘Push Notifications’ and click on ‘Set Pack’:", instead of performing this step for the "Push Notifications (186)" smartlink, do this for the "Push Notifications TOP (628)" smartlink.

Also, when you’re setting up your PopAds campaign, and choosing one or more countries to target, ONLY stick with one or more of the following:

Great Britain
New Zealand

The rest of the guide will remain the same.


Immediately remove the following countries from your PopAds campaign’s settings:

Hong Kong
Viet Nam

If you want to be safe, go one step further to ONLY target one or more of the following:

Great Britain
New Zealand
Thank you for the share.
I like the fact that the challenge is about making the first dollar.
very realistic and down to earth and this is exactly what beginners should aim to do.

Many humans are unrealistic... when I ask them how much they want to make the first month... 99.99% goes crazy saying thousands of and thousands...
So, I always insist on aiming for the first dollar, because after that, in the mind, we discover a new sensation, a feeling that it's possible and, from the first, we can go further to make the second, the third and so on...

I call it crossing the green line.

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