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[Image: 51A23TssDPL._SX386_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

All over the world, consumers are discovering the merits of the small space lifestyle, abandoning the work and burdensome expense that goes with living in a "McMansion" in favor of the elegance and practicality of living in cozier spaces. From young homeowners who have rediscovered the joys of loft-style homes in the city , to empty-nesters who prefer smaller, more manageable living spaces, millions of homeowners have migrated to the "not-so-big" style of living.

500 Ideas for Small Spaces is a practical guide featuring 500 real-life remodeling, organizing, and decorating tips for making a truly small home look and function better. Today, living in a small home isn't a compromise, it is the preferred choice for growing numbers of homeowners.

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[Image: 51A23TssDPL._SX386_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

All over the world, consumers are discovering the merits of the small space lifestyle, abandoning the work and burdensome expense that goes with living in a "McMansion" in favor of the elegance and practicality of living in cozier spaces. From young homeowners who have rediscovered the joys of loft-style homes in the city , to empty-nesters who prefer smaller, more manageable living spaces, millions of homeowners have migrated to the "not-so-big" style of living.

500 Ideas for Small Spaces is a practical guide featuring 500 real-life remodeling, organizing, and decorating tips for making a truly small home look and function better. Today, living in a small home isn't a compromise, it is the preferred choice for growing numbers of homeowners.

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