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Full Version: [GET] How To Sell Anything To Anyone Anytime - Ted McGrath
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Hey guys! This is free but looks like decent product.
Hope you'll find it useful.

(link to download page - no registration needed)


Link not working
You HAVE TO register!!!!
Sorry guys! Gonna update post now.
This guy is either doing very well or he's wasting a heck of a lot of money on marketing.

I've been on webinars with some other gurus where they basically dissed him and advised NOT to market like you're desperate and wanting to sell right out of the gate etc.

Not sure if he's just plugging away or there's some truth in the way he's perceived.

(08-13-2019 03:03 AM)WorldWarrior Wrote: [ -> ]This guy is either doing very well or he's wasting a heck of a lot of money on marketing.

I've been on webinars with some other gurus where they basically dissed him and advised NOT to market like you're desperate and wanting to sell right out of the gate etc.
Not sure if he's just plugging away or there's some truth in the way he's perceived.


I think it really depends on your personal style. Look at the difference between Grant Cardone (in your face, hard core sales) vs Sandler Sales System (more of a Q&A where you provide value and they want to do business with you)...

Both systems work for certain people. Just depends on the sales person and the buyer.

I think Ted is more of the "In you face, take no prisoners" type of sales guy.

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