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Full Version: [Get] Wordpress All-In-One for Dummies (Gutenberg Edition)
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Take your WordPress experience to the next level with the information packed inside this All-in-One. From the basics of setting up your account, to choosing a host and theme, to managing content with editor Gutenberg, to keeping your site secure, these 8 books of expert information will help you take the WordPress community by storm.

Build your site foundation Choose a server Become a site admin pro Learn how to manage content using Gutenberg Get ready to blog all about it!
Thanks for the share. I don't use the Gutenberg Editor because I like to use Divi and find the editor inside of that is pretty good and comes with updates like 5 times a month...

But still, This is handy as I sometimes need to work on a client site that is using a different theme or Gutenberg so will be handy as a reference.


Thanks for sharing. Repped!
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