08-01-2019, 10:19 AM
Most folks with a website use some form of paid hosting - whether for a single domain, or more domains via reseller hosting.
Also, most sites are using servers that use cPanel.
Therein lies the rub.
The bottom line is that hosting providers pricing will be forced higher - and for those with multiple domains - this could make for a much larger expense.
Folks who have even just a single domain on inexpensive hosting may see that cost double or worse - their provider may just fold.
Most likely lots of free hosting providers will also vanish.
Any that are determined to keep low pricing for their clients will likely be forced to change to an alternate, like
Or others like:
And more info:
Older, but maybe interesting still:
Of course, those who have insisted upon using windows based servers will be laughing right now - but in truth most of those folks have already been paying a large premium right along as that sort of hosting is normally more costly.
Of course it would be great if cPanel would back down on this matter, seeing how so many folks are already complaining far and wide - but that level of greed usually knows no boundaries.
Here is a petition about it that someone put up, if curious:
Also, most sites are using servers that use cPanel.
Therein lies the rub.
Quote:cPanel recently announced a new pricing model that includes an account based component.
This change has proven to dramatically increase some client's monthly fees by over 2000% or more.
While cPanel has the right per their agreements to change pricing at any time, this move is an abuse of dominance in the hosting community.
The bottom line is that hosting providers pricing will be forced higher - and for those with multiple domains - this could make for a much larger expense.
Folks who have even just a single domain on inexpensive hosting may see that cost double or worse - their provider may just fold.
Most likely lots of free hosting providers will also vanish.
Any that are determined to keep low pricing for their clients will likely be forced to change to an alternate, like
Or others like:
And more info:
Older, but maybe interesting still:
Of course, those who have insisted upon using windows based servers will be laughing right now - but in truth most of those folks have already been paying a large premium right along as that sort of hosting is normally more costly.
Of course it would be great if cPanel would back down on this matter, seeing how so many folks are already complaining far and wide - but that level of greed usually knows no boundaries.

Here is a petition about it that someone put up, if curious: