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Full Version: [GET] Dare to Win: Lessons from 57 of the World's Most Successful People
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Failure is something none of us like to experience, but in Dare to Win, Jeff Chegwin and Carmela Di Clementi explain that mistakes are not only good for you, they can actually lead to huge successes. If you look at the most inspirational innovators, athletes and icons throughout history, they all share a common belief – they simply do not entertain the notion of failure as a bad thing.

In Dare to Win you'll read some real life lessons, learned by the most talented and successful people in the world. From Steve Jobs to Beyonce, Simon Cowell, Michael Jordan, Einstein, JK Rowling, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and more. Just been fired? It could be the best thing that's ever happened to you. Keep getting your ideas knocked back at work? Rethink your approach.

The great and the good have rough times too: terrible experiences, when they really had to stick their neck out for something they believe in, or passionately wished to pursue. The stakes are high, yet they have come through better, bigger and stronger. If we didn't have failure, how would we know what to do next? The process of learning from our mistakes is truly invaluable, and is something we need to run toward, not run away from.

Thanks but I can't access. Says Forbidden 404?
(08-01-2019 12:21 AM)Grayhat007 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks but I can't access. Says Forbidden 404?

There's nothing wrong with the link, I just checked it. Try using a different browser, or if zippy is blocked in your country, using something like Hotspot Shield, etc will take care of the problem.
(08-01-2019 12:21 AM)Grayhat007 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks but I can't access. Says Forbidden 404?

It's an ISP thing, mine doesn't allow connections to zippyshare "Forbidden 404."

I just go through a proxy, just downed this file using
Magic Button :

There's others of course or you could get a VPN.
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another re-up request for this one

link above went dead, so here's a new one

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