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Full Version: [GET] Phenomenon: Everything You Need to Know About the Paranormal
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For nearly 50 years, New York Times bestselling author Sylvia Browne has been giving millions of readers and listeners spiritual advice, psychic predictions, inspiration, and emotional connections to a world on "the other side." Now, in this fascinating A-Z compendium, Browne delivers to her fans a complete guide to all things paranormal, including:

Atlantis -Where did it go and when will it return?
Clairvoyance -How does one know if they have the gift?
Déjà vu -Are past lives the answer to this strange phenomenon?
Ghosts -Who are they?
Miracles -Can they happen every day?
Numerology -What effect does it really have?
Reincarnation -Is there a new life for everyone?
Sorcery -Is this something we should fear?
Zombies -Are they only in horror movies?

...and much more, in this easy-to-use reference that helps readers to understand the phenomenon of the other side.

thanks for the share, reps given
Can you believe..? Every Paranormal book I want to dl is suddenly either not there, or the site is down, or it shows me some funny code...

Spooooooooooky Confused

Thank you anyway, will try later again, maybe during the day it'll be better :-)
@Stillstanding and all

Do you know this?

The James Randi Educational Foundation was founded in 1996 to help people defend themselves from paranormal and pseudo-scientific claims. The JREF offers a still-unclaimed million-dollar reward for anyone who can produce evidence of paranormal abilities under controlled conditions.

On January 1, 2016 the Foundation ceased being a public charity and became a private non-operating foundation. The JREF is no longer soliciting donations and any donations made after January 1, 2016 may not be fully tax deductible

Probe these aptitudes and win the prize of 1 million USD.

Here you go, a fresh mirror.

(08-03-2019 02:13 PM)Zajko Wrote: [ -> ]Can you believe..? Every Paranormal book I want to dl is suddenly either not there, or the site is down, or it shows me some funny code...

Spooooooooooky Confused

Thank you anyway, will try later again, maybe during the day it'll be better :-)
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