Is this free from virus.My windows system gave the alarm and deleted automatically. Any way thanks.
It is funny to me when some one wants to push some shit into community with the VT scan of locked file (like virus total can unpack it if there is a password on it). If you unpack and repack the file without password... and upload it again the scan is much more accurate.
Multiple shit inside Be Carefull! If you want to run it... run it in VM (Virtual Machine) Little bit safer.
VT: 36 engines detected this file
I think you are working for a virus agency lol.
I dont! Some times I floood their ftps with stuff they do not know bout.... but still I do not like people leaching onto some one elses work (or crack) with their shit to spread their botnet or whatever they are into. Packing shit up with a password and then uploading it to VT and using that scan of a LOCKED FILE for establishing a safe haven for users... like in a way look this scan is clean so that they will believe and take in stuff they are spreading. Not knowing that Virus Total cannot scan password protected files so they are safe for it... it it cannot se whats inside without a password.
Be honest with the shit you upload! at least that if nothing else...
Before post things like VT SCAN of unlocked file should be mandatory.... not that I download this shit and unpack it for my antivirus to go insane... then downloading it in VM... and repack pack it for upload to VT without a password.... just to let every one know that this file may be there to steal your passwords and your creds... and so on. Scans like this one should be Mandatory for small progs and shit like that under 250mb.