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(07-24-2019 09:19 AM)bankybello Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a way to download the videos ?

1. Use Chrome inspector to find url of the video.
For example video URL on this page:
2. Paste video URL in any vimeo downloader site like or Jdownloader.
3. Download.
4. Enjoy.
(07-24-2019 02:59 PM)khokan Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-24-2019 09:19 AM)bankybello Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Great share from rkonavin and alag18 +Max Reps to both of you

(07-22-2019 02:37 AM)alag18 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-22-2019 01:29 AM)rkonavin Wrote: [ -> ]Sales Page

Software Only

This software is pro version. Training is provided in Front End.
Hope someone will share FE.
here is FE

Is there a way to download the videos ?
I've tried every trick in the book but can't seem to get around it.

This plugin is not working properly. It's now a waste of time till the developer updates. I've tried both the versions - and planning to ask for refund. Another plugin from the same seller - WP Super Sonic is also not working properly. May be these type of sellers don't respect their buyers and are more concerned to make more money creating more products.

Thank you bankybello for taking the time to try and make these work and your notification. Saves us all time... Too bad they do not function.
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