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I couldn't find any of them that work.
(07-02-2020 07:40 AM)cashkits Wrote: [ -> ]Can anyone please share licence for 2.0.50 Or send me version 2.0.49?
I upgrade and can't use licence again.
Licence still work with 2.0.49. Just input licence and double tap enter. It will work.
Can anyone please share licence for 2.0.50 Or send me version 2.0.49?
Bump for previous version which worked and on updating it stopped working
Yes please! bump for latest ver
not working anymore,
Could you please share the Latest version? :/
Licence code not working, anyone have it?
MAX REPS MAX REPS!!! Please and Thank you.
Enter license key 123456789
It will say error. Try it a second time, it will still say error. So what's the fix?
Close out the program. Turn off your internet connection.
Reopen software. Wait like a minute or 2.
Once it loads, then reconnect your internet. Running the latest version.
It's important to let the software load beyond the white screen before reconnecting to your wifi.
Hope this helps. Please add REPS if this was valuable to you.
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