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Full Version: Effortless Auto Repair by Luther
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Some how you know it's going to be the usual Luther BS but have to admit I am curious. I would love to know how many clients really buy from his you can earn $500 just by ... programmes.

But may be " its a big may be" some do actually pay that sort of money to fix something that takes 10 mins to do.

I know when it comes to stuff like Zaps and that kind of thing I have no idea so pay but most things you can usually figure out yourself.
(07-19-2019 04:54 PM)jessyb Wrote: [ -> ]Some how you know it's going to be the usual Luther BS but have to admit I am curious. I would love to know how many clients really buy from his you can earn $500 just by ... programmes.

But may be " its a big may be" some do actually pay that sort of money to fix something that takes 10 mins to do.

I know when it comes to stuff like Zaps and that kind of thing I have no idea so pay but most things you can usually figure out yourself.

I think it's much simpler than most give it credit, 3 percent are ready to buy at any given time, if you reach out to them at the right time for them, that's 1,500 dollars per 100 reached, and if it's recurring, you can do the math.
Please bump this Luther BSO
Luther *does* tend to be the kind of over-promising and under-delivering (or, at least in terms of what you supposedly can charge for things), but I would still be interested to see how this looks.
Bump for this please and thanks in advance
What the hell, why not. Bump from me, too.
bump from me
Bump. Thank You x3.
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