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Essential Uses: Baking Soda, Salt, Vinegar, Lemon, Coconut Oil, Honey, and Ginger: The Ultimate Wellness, Beauty, and Healthy-Home Bible

Explore all the ways in which some basic household items can pave the way to better health.

Whatever your goals, Essential Uses will teach you new ways to use baking soda, salt, vinegar, lemons, coconut oil, honey, ginger, and a myriad of other natural items. Discover how to take better care of your skin, your health, and your homeā€”all while saving money, getting better results out of your products, and using eco-friendly options. With a focus on personal wellness, home cleaning, and pet care, Essential Uses provides simple and effective options to live a healthier, more natural life.

Ditch the commercial stuff and go natural, excellent share SS!
Thank you for Great share
Max Reps+
Thank you very much!
PQ :)
Thanks a lot, excellent, repped.
re-up request

another re-up request for this one

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