Here's information I posted in a 2018 VIP thread asking about this same course.
(I'm just copy and pasting, so I don't know if any of this info / these links have since gone out of date)
Ok, based on the link cremaster posted above, I just took it for granted that this course is about flipping diabetic test strips. So I went digging around a little to find other information on it.
>>>Apparently, there was a WSO released about this method in 2017. The main site for that course is
here, and the login (if someone knows how to crack that kinda thing) is
site looks like it's promoting the WSO I mentioned. However, if you search the site, you can find a series of
posts / info. I've not looked at any of this, so I have no idea how good any of the info is or isn't.
>>>came across
this page which ends up being a pre-sell for the WSO I mentioned, too. However, there's a video where a guy talks about actually having flipped these things. He's doing it on ebay, but happens to say there are wholesalers that can be found there (ebay), so based on that little nugget, it could be worth digging around ebay to see what's what.
Ok, so I've been digging into this more since my last post.
It honestly doesn't seem like there'd be *that* much to this business model, but there *are* a couple big things you'd want to know going in.
>>>The legal aspect. Selling the test strips isn't illegal in and of itself, but apparently it is if said test strips were originally purchased via govt programs such as medicaid and medicare. I believe purchasing them might be legal, but it's against the law to resell them. There are a number of news pieces on this, but most of them sound very "fear-monger-y"...almost as if flipping test strips is only half a step away from dealing drugs on the street corner. Either way, it is something you'd wanna know going in.
>>>Where to sell them. A quick google search will find plenty of places (wholesalers?) that will buy your test strips from you. However, the ones I found were the type where you send in your test strips first, and then they pay you later. Everything in Felix's product talks about selling them to places that you can invoice / will pay you up front, *then* you mail them in.
>>>Which products to flip and how much to pay. There's actually a video on Felix' youtube channel that lays this out...or at least what the four most popular flips are.
>>>"Marketing" / finding people to buy from, I'm assuming is pretty simple - mainly craigslist, possibly local FB groups / for sale pages, and posting signs.