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Full Version: [TIP] Testing coupon against Instructor Course Collection
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So someone links you to an instructor page and tells you coupon X works on all their courses. YAY!

Sadly you have to manually add "?coupon=SuperLongCoupon" to each and every page after opening it.

No more!

=========== 1a ===========

Open the instructor page, hit F12, paste the following [ENTER], enter the coupon and it will be added to each link. If you make a typo just refresh and do it again. A list of the links will be listed in the F12 debug box too for your sharing convenience!

c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n")});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);

=========== 2a ===========

Say you're even lazier than that... The following will do ALL of the above, and open them each in a new window/tab.

c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(p=a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n");});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);


That's it... you're not any lazier than that are you? You are?!? Fine!
Paste the following as a bookmark and just click the bookmark.

Wont open tabs - 1b !!!!! "java--------------script:" <===== Remove the -------------- where ever you see this, forum blocks it out =/

java--------------script:c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n")});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);

Will open tabs -2b

java--------------script:c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(p=a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n");});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);

If these last two don't work, make sure your browser didn't remove the "java--------------script:" at the start when pasting, as a security measure.


1. Make sure the courses have loaded on the page before running the code
2. java--------------script: <===== Remove the -------------- where ever you see this, forum blocks it out =/
3. Sorry for the bad formatting, seems [code][/code][b][/b] have all been disabled.
Remove the -------------- from java--------------script
饿死我了, thank you my brother for this.

Amazing what can be don when you know!!!!
Many thanks for sharing this great useful tip, 饿死我了 bro! Peace be with you, always! :) Amazing indeed, Archon bro!


The Bookmarklets (JavaScript Favelets) are still: amazing power surfing tools for free! Learn more about more useful scripts and how to write your own scripts, here:

Convert your scripts to bookmarklets, here:


If you have more useful scripts or links, please share it with us ;)

Peace and success, in life and eternity!

following this excellent share
now I need to figure out how to implement. lol

Maxreps both 饿死我了 and angelcrc7
[quote='angelcrc7' pid='2795828' dateline='1562438038']
Many thanks for sharing this great useful tip, 饿死我了 bro! Peace be with you, always! :) Amazing indeed, Archon bro!



If you have more useful scripts or links, please share it with us ;)

Peace and success, in life and eternity!


I just make these up as I need them, or as I see others have a need.

I don't really have a particular list or anything. If something is unused long enough I sorta lose it...
Many thanks and reps to you 饿死我了and angelcrc7. New to me. Will be fun to figure out. :)
Max reps to 饿死我了and angelcrc7
[quote='JohnMajors' pid='2795848' dateline='1562440549']
following this excellent share
now I need to figure out how to implement. lol

Maxreps both 饿死我了 and angelcrc7

[quote='ecmod' pid='2795919' dateline='1562451805']
Many thanks and reps to you 饿死我了and angelcrc7. New to me. Will be fun to figure out. :)

No problems, it's not too hard. 1a and 2a. You just hit F12 (in chrome) a developer box shows at the bottom and you paste it in there and ENTER to execute.

For the b series, just make a bookmark in your bookmark bar, right click it and select "Edit", put that code in the URL box. Make sure the result starts with "java---script:" without and dashes. B series are really just A series with the "java***script:" added to the start.

angelcrc7's links should give some good information.

Note: Some bookmarklets may have bad come in them that could share your site login cookies with other sites. If it looks overly complex/weird, has an unrelated URL or you have a feeling you shouldn't trust it. Better safe that sorry!
Thanks again for your answer 饿死我了 bro! Good minimalist way of thinking! ;)

You're welcome brothers JohnMajors, ecmod and Juan_Alejandro! Glad to serve as an angel here! :)


If someone has more useful similar scripts or links; please share it with us, if someone could, and thanks in advance!




We could use these 2 great tools, shared by @Somebody:

You can open all these links at once using this addon for firefox:

Which works very well (with) this addon:

Reps and thanks to @Somebody bro, here:

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