07-06-2019, 09:09 PM
So someone links you to an instructor page and tells you coupon X works on all their courses. YAY!
Sadly you have to manually add "?coupon=SuperLongCoupon" to each and every page after opening it.
No more!
=========== 1a ===========
Open the instructor page, hit F12, paste the following [ENTER], enter the coupon and it will be added to each link. If you make a typo just refresh and do it again. A list of the links will be listed in the F12 debug box too for your sharing convenience!
c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n")});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);
=========== 2a ===========
Say you're even lazier than that... The following will do ALL of the above, and open them each in a new window/tab.
c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(p=a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n");window.open(p)});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);
That's it... you're not any lazier than that are you? You are?!? Fine!
Paste the following as a bookmark and just click the bookmark.
Wont open tabs - 1b !!!!! "java--------------script:" <===== Remove the -------------- where ever you see this, forum blocks it out =/
java--------------script:c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n")});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);
Will open tabs -2b
java--------------script:c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(p=a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n");window.open(p)});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);
If these last two don't work, make sure your browser didn't remove the "java--------------script:" at the start when pasting, as a security measure.
1. Make sure the courses have loaded on the page before running the code
2. java--------------script: <===== Remove the -------------- where ever you see this, forum blocks it out =/
3. Sorry for the bad formatting, seems [code][/code][b][/b] have all been disabled.
Sadly you have to manually add "?coupon=SuperLongCoupon" to each and every page after opening it.
No more!
=========== 1a ===========
Open the instructor page, hit F12, paste the following [ENTER], enter the coupon and it will be added to each link. If you make a typo just refresh and do it again. A list of the links will be listed in the F12 debug box too for your sharing convenience!
c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n")});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);
=========== 2a ===========
Say you're even lazier than that... The following will do ALL of the above, and open them each in a new window/tab.
c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(p=a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n");window.open(p)});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);
That's it... you're not any lazier than that are you? You are?!? Fine!
Paste the following as a bookmark and just click the bookmark.
Wont open tabs - 1b !!!!! "java--------------script:" <===== Remove the -------------- where ever you see this, forum blocks it out =/
java--------------script:c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n")});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);
Will open tabs -2b
java--------------script:c=prompt("Coupon Code");t='';$.each($('.merchandising-course-card--mask--2-b-d'),function(i,a){console.log(t+=(p=a.href=a.href+"?couponCode="+c)+"\n");window.open(p)});console.log("\n\n\n"+t);
If these last two don't work, make sure your browser didn't remove the "java--------------script:" at the start when pasting, as a security measure.
1. Make sure the courses have loaded on the page before running the code
2. java--------------script: <===== Remove the -------------- where ever you see this, forum blocks it out =/
3. Sorry for the bad formatting, seems [code][/code][b][/b] have all been disabled.