[quote='Augusto' pid='2792537' dateline='1562061684']
It will be helpful if we have a thread here to list only the best and useful courses.
Don't allow trainers and their marketing team to post on it.
Just allow students who have completed that tutorial and are fully satisfied with it.
You Said the RIGHT thing!
It is good, if there is a thread for BEST Courses!
5 REPs to you for your WISE Suggestion...
I took some courses on iOS app development. I now have 5 sticker packs in the App Store and I make enough off of them each year to pay for my developer license. It's good resume padding as well. I would not have been able to do that w/o the courses I took on Udemy.
I also took one on using Evernote and this guy had such a great system - I use it to keep myself organized.
I agree that some are bad (just like courses in college). Some - the teaching might be good, but the audio quality is so horrendous, it's like having a cheese grater in your eardrum.
Some teachers are disorganized, swallow their words and don't enunciate, some have impossible accents. Some make you think you're going to learn something of value, but after a few lessons, you learn that it's like Homer Simpson teaching FunEd (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fK4AgNw0dE8).
I've been to conferences for work - and it's the same thing. Sometimes every session you go to sucks big time - but sometimes there's one jewel of a session that makes the entire trip worth it. It also depends what the subject matter is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Only 2000? Hardly serious.
Bosslabs said what I was trying to say far better than I did, and backed it up with experience.
[quote='bosslabs' pid='2792513' dateline='1562057527']
I don't know about IM related udemy courses, but , there are awesome instructors who teach software engineering/software development/web development. I mean really good instructors that are highly rated. You put in the effort to learn and you will get a software job. Plain and simple.
All I did was pay 9.99 USD to couple of courses. So total cost 20 USD for me. And the rest was my effort and I got the job.
So I totally diasgree , udemy is awesome. Just like amazon and ebay, you buy craaap and you cry. foul here You buy good, put your effort in and you win. Plain and simple.