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Crazy delicious vegan recipes that are good to eat and great for your bod.

After five years atop the Skinny Bitch phenomenon, author Kim Barnouin has grown as a cook, a nutritionist, and a mom. Now she delivers the ultimate cookbook that will be for everyone looking for a healthier way to feed themselves, their families, and friends. Kim's emphasis is on easy, and her kick-ass recipes feature seasonal produce (no fake meat or hard-to-find ingredients) and provide a versatility of tastes and cuisines, from Mediterranean to California-fresh. With almost 150 recipes, full-color photos, complete nutritional breakdowns, and simple switch-outs for quick variations, it will be the new gotta have on any healthy bitch's bookshelf.

Thanks for posting another awesome healthy cookbook share, reps added.
I wonder how much flack this women has taken for her "Skinny Bitch" series of books? If the recipes are good, I personally couldn't care less what the titles are. Thanks for sharing SS.
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