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[Image: 5175-Qxq5dL._SX436_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

For vegans and non vegans, and bakers of all levels, an essential, easy-to-use cookbook for healthy and delicious vegan baking from Kim Barnouin, the nutritionist who's been leading the vegan zeitgeist for years as the nutritionist and co-author of the bestselling Skinny Bitch series.

From pies to breads, to cookies, Skinny Bitch Bakery includes 80 fully tested recipes accompanied by full-color photographs of these delectable vegan baked goods, and Barnouins' fun, non-nonsense voice and vast expertise sparkle on every page.

Whether you're a novice or have been a devoted baker for years, Skinny Bitch Bakery is a cookbook that will bring out the best vegan baker in everyone.

Gloria Steinem probably hates this woman.:) Thanks for the share.
Re-up please
(10-01-2019 08:38 AM)livinlifetoday Wrote: [ -> ]Re-up please

here you go

another re-up request for this one

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