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(06-21-2019 01:32 AM)mansea1 Wrote: [ -> ]Quite liked the SP - well laid out and clean. But it does contain 2 or 3 spelling / grammar errors which a good proofreader would have picked up.

Billy Darr is far too well know to be commented on and first testimonial is from Art Flair...

But who is Justin Opay? Is it actually his product and not BD's and he has used them to front it?

Comments anyone?

Lol! Testimonial from Art Flair! Biggrin

I've seen this Opay guy around a bit since the WF heydays. He's more of a Dave Kirby type. His face is plastered on many sales pages but he's mostly behind the scenes.

Definitely part of the launch circle jerk as stated previously.

The stuff Opay puts out is hit or miss. Usually he does PLR launches. But since B. Darr is part of this I think I'll pass.

Thank you for sharing.
Great Share bro, Thanks, MAX REPS!!!
Thanks, max reps OP! Just the basics here in his FE training, any of the OTOs?
Billy Darr again. Anyway thanks the OP for the share though I would stay 100' away from Darr and his circus troops.
Justin opay runs this company called pixar build. Basically he offers a turn key solution for product launches. You give him the sales copy and your w+ username and password and north of $5k and he will do the rest.... And then you upload your videos and you can launch. He will get his guys to do the graphic design, product logo and the dvd box (what's with this dvd box thing) and integrate it with w+ and the rest.

I think for billy darr Justin may have a structured commissions agreement so he doesn't charge upfront money. And may even act like the JV manager. I have seen this guy post launch announcements.

He him self launches PLR products. And he does design for many top launches like Brendan Mace and Art Flair.
Ok let's go check it out...... Good stuff good stuff
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