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Thank you - great share!
thankyou Thanks
Tyvm are their any training videos available?
Thanks for share, max reps added
Hey rkonavin! excellent. Repped.
Interesting stuff. Not new -- but interesting how small changes in an "angle" can make a difference.
Many years ago, a marketer EJ showed how he ran a "Giveaway" contest using FB ads offering a muscle builder type drink that was in fact a "Free Trial" CPA offer, his strategy brought entrants back to a page where winners were announced and you could go for the free trial if you weren't the Giveaway winner. He spent $4K in ads and earned $17K commission for a $13 K net, in a couple of weeks. I suspect that particular promo would be a tough one to run with Fb these days!

List Building was a side-effect and he didn't automatically do much email marketing beyond the simple cycle of "check - did you win, if you didn't do you want to sign up for the trial, oh and go to this page to see what my next Giveaway is ..." He taught autoresponder series and affiliate promos in his OTO1, not sure if he ever set them up in reality.

Someone soon followed, a challenge to build a List of 7000 folk in 7 days. He aimed at the golf niche and offered a pricey Ping putter as the prize, he made the 7000 in 7, but he really didn't make much from his emails of affiliate offers to that List, at least in the early days (he didn't go much beyond the initial List-building period in terms of his Case Study.)

UpViral (Cloud-based) was launched to systematize List-building via giveaways, sweepstakes and contests. Tries to be science-based (statistically based, anyway). Powerful but Pricey. I found it time-consuming to set it up properly. The Lists I built weren't very responsive -- I'm willing to accept 100% of the fault for that.

Recently, another product was launched that used KingSumo to build lists via giveaways. There was a clever little twist: you were awarded extra "chances' to win in return for actions to spread the word, which is the usual deal to try to get some virality out of it, but they did something extra -- they awarded extra chances if you clicked to visit the sales pages of some of their products.

And now, Mr KC discovers the same basic mechanism. Choose a niche you're knowledgeable about, check it has a big social following, check there are affiliate products you could promote, choose a physical product that the people in the niche would LOVE to own, run a Giveaway contest using FB ads to send traffic to a 2-page CFunnels funnel, build a List then promote stuff to the people on the List.

These Giveaway strategies can work and work well in terms of List building. The only complaint I have -- and it's mild -- is that the List tends to be people wanting a Giveaway, oddly enough. So in my experience the old rules of thumb about the value of a List being "$1 per email address per month" is a Looooong way from reality with this Strategy unless you find a way to get better candidates joining the contest, or are very skilled at extracting the dosh from this type of crowd. No doubt some marketers are good at both. Or for the non-lazy, intelligently segmenting the list into those worth having and those not worth the space on the server makes sense.

Anyway, just my musings. The product is decent as such things go -- MR KC offers opinionated straight-talk ("Don't use this in the MMO community, if you knew enough to be considered an expert worth listening to you wouldn't have bought this product.") And his videos are detailed. A few things missing for the beginner but, an honest product well worth the money.
Thanks. I was looking for it.. Max reps
Great share bro, +reps
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