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Full Version: [PURCHASED + GET] Welcome to the World of Webtrading on eToro by Angela Brooks
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Thanks for this offer sunnyTRIO !!!
Published in 2012, on amazon with no reviews yet, here:

Description from there:
Quote:An introduction into the challenging but potentially highly rewading world of webtrading - buying and selling currencies, commodities (oil, gold and silver) and even stock indices such as the Footsie 100 and Nasdaq. This introduction will help you to avoid many of the pitfalls that new traders can fall into, as well as showing you some of the detailed tools available to help maximise your returns on the eToro trading platform. You don't need to have vast reserves of funds - $100 will get you started, and you don't need lots of knowledge and experiece, at least not once you've got this book.

Anyone here making use of this with success will be very appreciated for a review ?!?
Thanks sunny

REPS of course
Thanks SunnyTRIO, Max Reps, Quality Shares.
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