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Full Version: [GET] Area 51 series(6 Books) by Robert Doherty
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Pages: 1 2
Thanks, StillStanding. Glad that you are ;-)
max reps
An interesting read.

I read the first 5 books in a series about 4 years ago...

In case you are wondering, this is the order tha the books should be read in:

01-Area 51 (18912)
02-The Reply (18910)
03-The Mission (18909)
04-The Sphinx (18908)
05-The Grail (18907)
06-Excalibur (18911)
07-The Truth (18914)
08-Nosferatu (18913)
09-Legend (18915)

Books 1 to 7 are a semi-complete story arc that leaves you with a lot of action combined with details and weaving of sci-fi into history. I found it enjoyable.


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Pages: 1 2
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