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Full Version: [DIS] Transcend Anxiety by Looking at Reality
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Practical course for overcoming anxiety using meditation on clarity. Includes essential theory and techniques. Presented by enlightened teacher with serious background in psychology.

This course is designed to smash the illusion of anxiety and put you in contact with Reality.
Anxiety is like an alarm bell telling you that you are not living in Reality. Anxiety only exists in the mind.
You don’t overcome anxiety by talking about it, but by having a clear perception of reality.
You can only overcome anxiety in a natural way, and here you’ll find the easiest and most effective way.
This course is designed to constantly work with your attention, the most powerful tool to transcend all your mental fears.
This course is aimed to teach you how to live according to Reality, not in the negative scenarios of your mind.

What you’ll learn:

* How to Reach a Perception of Clarity where Anxiety doesn't Exist
* A Real Understanding of what Anxiety is
* Understanding Anxiety Symptoms and Phobias
* How to Stop a Panic Attack
* A Real Understanding of your Mind: How Anxiety exists only in Your Mind
* Create a Space between You and Your Mind: Gaining Control over Your Mind
* Eye-Gazing Technique: How to Instantly Break the Mind Chattering
* Simple and Effective Attention Techniques to Remove the Negative Cloud of Your Thinking and Reach The Present Moment
* An Understanding of why Anxiety is Increasing despite Scientific Studies. How to Be Smarter than The Internet
* Debunking the Myths of Anxiety: Truths that People don’t Know about Anxiety
* Find The Peace and Clarity Beyond all Mental Noise

This course is for people that live in the cloud of anxiety and is designed to raise awareness through a real understanding of anxiety, the mind and the Reality. We can overcome that mental noise in our heads that causes anxiety by having a clear perception of Reality. Anxiety is nothing more than a sign that we live in our minds rather than in Reality. Learn how to live fully in the Present Moment.

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