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It's from 2012-2013 ??
No, it looks like it's from earlier this year. Unfortunately, it also looks like it's the same superficial general stuff IMers put out (i.e., look at the best sellers on Amazon to get ideas for a book), etc.

There's older stuff out there that is actually more useful. But thanks to the OP for the work and making it available so we don't have to waste our money :)
(06-14-2019 03:38 AM)Maggie Jo Wrote: [ -> ]No, it looks like it's from earlier this year. Unfortunately, it also looks like it's the same superficial general stuff IMers put out (i.e., look at the best sellers on Amazon to get ideas for a book), etc.

There's older stuff out there that is actually more useful. But thanks to the OP for the work and making it available so we don't have to waste our money :)

Thank you for the kind words Maggie Jo Thanks
Sorry) for my bad french)
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