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The onion is such a versatile vegetable. Onions can make a dish sweet or spicy, depending on what type of onions you choose, and how you prepare them. They undeniably add a great element to foods you may already be preparing at home. Would you like to learn the most delicious ways to integrate onions into your favorite recipes?

If so, you’ve come to the right place. This cookbook has all kinds of onion ideas for you. From breakfasts to lunches, dinners, and side dishes, we have shared some amazing onion-centric recipes in the Perfect Onion Cookbook, to get you well on your way to preparing tasty dishes with onions. Featured recipes include:

- French Onion Soup
- Sauteed Onions and Chard with Caraway
- Bacon, Onion, and Chicken Mac n’ Cheese
- Slow Cooker Steak n’ Onions
- Cheddar Quesadillas with Caramelized Onions
- Sweet n’ Tasty Onion Sliders
- Sweet Potato, Butternut Squash, and Onion Hash

...and more!

An onion cookbook? Who knew? Reps added,
I really love onions and this is perfect! Thanks SS!
re-up request

thanks SS for the reup. rep added
re-up request

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