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Need the register page
the yt comment blaster is php from codecanyon. Full of errors. You will find it by searching "youtube comment" on codecanyon.
hahahah another scam, leechers and here ppl in forums asting time ith another crap software
If it wasn't for snow revolution I would have never known about this software.

After seeing what it could do with thumbnails I went ahead and purchase it. YES, all of the other oto's are junk but the main software [100 thumbnails] is worth the $27 I paid. I do have other software that does thumbnails also like Canva, Design Bold, Design Wizard, Youzign, etc, but the thumbnails in TB are unique and it's pretty much swap in swap out what you like.

My point of view is either buy it or waste time recreating the thumbs or searching for a registration page. I never got a registration page email or else I would share it here.

Make sure to give reps to snow revolution for sharing this tool fast!!
(04-30-2019 07:52 AM)hackerboi Wrote: [ -> ]Have you got any solution for your login details??
any solution found?
thanks for your effort, and for JefforyL for the free alternative, rep added to you guys
Thanks JefforyL for the free alternative reps for you buddy
Not yet , but we can use the free alternative till further notice
@ JefforyL great reps added Perfect 10

(05-01-2019 05:24 AM)newreader Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-30-2019 07:52 AM)hackerboi Wrote: [ -> ]Have you got any solution for your login details??
any solution found?
Hi katara, why do you say that?

(04-30-2019 08:20 AM)katara Wrote: [ -> ]this software is not safe for google accounts and can get you banned
Thanks snow revolution and JeffreyL
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